This might be a really stupid idea, but it'd be funny to make a sci-fi/fantasy akin to lord of the rings but instead of elves, hobbits and humans fighting against orcs it's beastmen (like the ones from the anime Brand New Animal), fighting against werebeasts, and instead of Sauron being the big bad, it's literally just Satan who also happens to be an alien of sorts.
And it would all take place in a magical school like harry potter. And maybe throw in starship troopers, star trek, and dune in the mix cuz why not. And it would also basically be an adult-oriented sitcom to the simpsons, futuruma, rick and morty, Hazbin Hotel, and even anime like Urursei Yatsura cuz why not. Oh, and kaiju would be involved in this somehow. Lol.
No, I totally wasn't inspired by those stupid flashgitz warhammer furry parody animations, what're you talking about? haha
This may not be the best feedback, but: I could not muster the strength to read that to the end...
Lol. Too much?